Archive | April 24, 2012


Amnesty International Afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome

Patty Hearst suffered from Stockholm Syndrome but can organizations suffer from it as well? Here is a description of what Stockholm Syndrome is: People suffering from Stockholm syndrome come to identify with and even care for their captors in a desperate, usually unconscious act of self-preservation. It occurs in the most psychologically traumatic situations, often […]

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Obama appoints Anti-Israel Samantha Powers to head of Atrocities Prevention Board

Leftists always seem to have a penchant for using words that mean exactly the opposite of how they’re used. “Progressive” is used to describe a retrograde ideology; “Social Justice” is used to describe wealth re-distribution; “Abortion” is used to describe murder; “Transparency” is used to describe stonewalling; and “Civil rights” is used to quash dissent. […]

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Video: This IS your Father’s Muslim Brotherhood

There is a propaganda campaign being waged by the Muslim Brotherhood and willing leftists in the media. The perception they want to create is one that says the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate and “largely secular” as James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, said. Here is Muslim Brotherhood cleric Abd Al-Muiz Al-Satar in 1998 saying […]

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Turkey trying to block Israel from NATO Summit; State Department silent

Last month, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland would not recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. Now she is refusing to respond to questions about Turkey’s attempts to block Israel’s participation in the NATO Summit to be held in Chicago next month. Via CNSNews: Taking advantage of NATO’s decision-making-by-consensus, Turkey is working to block Israeli […]

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