Archive | February 22, 2014

Man who Exposed Jeremiah Wright picks up on our Malik Obama work

Sean Hannity was the first major media figure to present the racism of Barack Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, to the American people back in March of 2007. However, if you ask him, he will tell you that Erik Rush is responsible for breaking the story. The man known as “The Other Rush” has been […]

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Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat

Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]

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Group Critical of Scarlet Johansson for doing Commercial for Israeli Company linked to Terrorism

The group known as Oxfam made news earlier this year when it criticized Hollywood actress Scarlet Johansson for doing a Super Bowl ad for Soda Stream, an Israeli company. To her credit, Johansson didn’t back down. In fact, she resigned as an ambassador for Oxfam. The decision to do so is looking a lot more […]

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