Congressman Files Motion to have Sergeant at Arms ARREST Lois Lerner

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) has filed a motion to order the Sergeant at Arms to arrest former IRS official Lois Lerner. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) would have final say on ordering such an action be carried out.Stockman is likely one of the Congressmen who is well aware of Lerner granting Malik Obama’s foundation 501(c)(3) illegal tax exempt status.

Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving.

Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving.

From a Press Release from Stockman’s office:

Congressman Steve Stockman Thursday filed a resolution directing the House Sergeant-At-Arms to arrest former IRS Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner on charges of contempt of Congress.

“Asking the Justice Department to prosecute Lois Lerner for admittedly illegal activity is a joke. The Obama administration will not prosecute the Obama administration. How much longer will the House allow itself to be mocked? It is up to this House to uphold the rule of law and hold accountable those who illegally targeted American citizens for simply having different ideas than the President,” said Stockman.

Stockman: Arrest Lerner.

Stockman: Arrest Lerner.

As for Stockman’s Resolution, he makes an argument very similar to one we at have been making for several months. That is, Attorney General Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress in 2012; no executive action was taken. Second, after Lerner was held in contempt, Holder has shown no indication that he will prosecute:

Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,

Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;

Another argument we’ve been making at is that Lerner is on the brink of cracking. If Boehner refused to do what he’s accused Obama of doing (shirking his responsibility), he would order the arrest of Lerner, at which point, she would start singing like a canary, especially if they brought her up on charges of being an accessory to terror funding.

Boehner Projection: Blames Obama for lack of responsibility

Boehner Projection: Blames Obama for lack of responsibility

Earlier this year, as reported, Stockman was part of at least one Congressional delegation to Egypt. Our sources informed us that the issue of Malik Obama’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood was on the agenda.


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