Liberal Jewish Celebrities Joan Rivers and Howard Stern GO OFF on Palestinians in Pro-Israel Rants

This post definitely comes with a strong language warning (Howard Stern more so than Joan Rivers). What is definitely noteworthy is that celebrities Stern and Rivers are Jewish and are clearly fed up with the media supporting Hamas while demonizing Israel.

First up, Joan Rivers. While signing autographs on her way to catch a flight, Rivers is asked for her opinion on the fighting between Hamas and Israel. She makes very sound and cogent arguments. TMZ, which is known for being left-leaning didn’t challenge Rivers much; it would have been nearly impossible to do so.

An added bonus here is that Rivers then rips Selena Gomez at the end after being asked to respond to the celebrity’s pro-Palestinian tweet:

Next up, Howard Stern. During his radio show, Stern was talking to a regular caller who was pro-Palestinian. What ensued was a profane-laden, Pro-Israel / anti-Palestinian rant from Stern. Again, what is blatantly obvious is that Stern is juts plain fed up.


h/t RCP


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