Multiculturalism Ignores Muslim Murderers in order to be Inclusive and Tolerant

By Lynn Woolley

American schools are consumed with the concept of multiculturalism – the idea that no culture is any better than any other culture. That’s why two items in the Dallas Morning News than ran on consecutive days might raise an eyebrow.


The first item concerned the upcoming premiere of a new movie entitled “The Price of Honor” that examines the Islamic practice of honor killings. Specifically, the movie was produced in hopes of rekindling a cold case, that of Yaser Abdel Said who is thought to have murdered his two daughters in such a killing.

The film explains what honor killings are: the practice of killing females believed to have brought shame to a family.

In this case, the bullet-riddled bodies of 17-year-old Sarah Said and 18-year-old Amina Said were found near a hotel in Irving, not far from the girls’ home in the Dallas suburb of Lewisville. Their Egyptian-born father, the suspect in the case, has not turned up since.

Amy Logan, a former Dallas resident, served as consultant for the documentary. She told the newspaper that, too often, honor killings are hushed up:

“There’s a conspiracy of silence about honor violence, and that’s why it’s gone unabated for thousands of years.”

No one knows how many honor killings take place each year. According to the News, the United Nations estimates about 5,000 – but that may be way low. Logan says most of them take place in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and North Africa.

When people from these areas emigrate, they take these ancient and bloody customs with them.

Now we have honor killings in America.

Amina and Sarah Said

Amina and Sarah Said

Logan says all honor killing have something in common:

“They believe that women in the family are the property of men.”

This, of course, is a conflict with the progressive vision of a world without gender where women can marry each other and still be heads of large corporations. You would think that the feminist movement would be raising hell about these killings. But the Cult of Multiculturalism is strong.

If you visit almost any public school, you will find…

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