Archive | August 2, 2016

The Government Of France Declares War On Islam, Shuts Down Twenty Mosques, And Promises To Close Down More

By Theodore Shoebat The government of France shut down twenty mosques, and promised that more will be shut down in order to protect the society from rhetoric that insights terrorism. As I have said before, the French will come back to the Catholic militancy of their ancestors. Here is the report: French authorities have closed […]

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Christian Pastor Tells Muslims That Islam Is A False Religion, Many Muslims Reject Muhammad And Accept Christ. Five Muslims Grab The Pastor And Stab Him To Death With A Sword

By Theodore Shoebat A pastor in Uganda brought Muslims to Christ from his preaching. This angered many Muslims. One day, five Muslims took the pastor and murdered him with a sword. Here is the report: Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda tortured a pastor before brutally murdering him with a sword because he brought a number […]

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Hillary Is Busted: Read The Real Booklet Hillary’s Man Was Carrying For Years. It Was The Muslim Shari’ah Constitution And NOT The U.S Constitution

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Khizr Muazzam Khan’s photo carrying a booklet of the U.S. Constitution made him a celebrity to millions of bleeding liberal hearts. While Khan never once wrote complementing the U.S. Constitution until Trump,  instead, in his booklet, The Sharia Explained (we copied shocking excerpts) of what the media failed to vet:  Khan’s real booklet clearly […]

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Muslim Barbarians Torture Dying Russian Soldiers From Helicopter Crash And Desecrate Their Bodies While Screaming “Allahu Akbar”

These are the videos taken of Muslims torturing two badly burned Russian soldiers from a helicopter crash in Syria. Watch them while you still can:   Keep in mind all of the people praising this are American-supported Muslim terrorists. One can only imagine what America might do, say Russia if these men were our soldiers […]

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‘Western Europe Is Dead And The Europeans Are Sick Of Barbarians’ Polish Intelligence Officer Lays Down The Grim Future Of Europe

Fight for your life or die. Those were in essence the two situations laid out by Polish Intelligence Office Jacek Wrona on Polish media. He said that due to Merkel and her cohorts, Western European civilization and culture was not only dead, but actively being overrun by hordes of Muslim barbarians: “Europe is at the […]

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Gang Of Nine Muslim Perverts Sexually Assault Lone Swedish Woman In Broad Daylight, They Scream Obscenities At Her And Try To Rape Her

  It sounds as disgusting as it was disturbing, because as far as the reports are concerned, the attack was completely random. According to the woman, she and her boss went to a coffee shop. He went inside, she waited outside. It was then that, a gang of nine Muslims ran up to her and […]

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