Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

New Study Declares That Most People Would Shave Their Heads, Give Up Coffee, And Spend A Week In Jail To Get Rid Of The “Life Sentence” Of Student Loan Debt

I have emphasized economic issues with great strength because the economic problems are leading to major social problems that are causing complete social destabilization. One of the major issues both as a cause and a factor that exacerbates the current situation is the parasitic influence of student loans debts, for while it is bad enough […]

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Is A ‘Strategy Of Tension’ Coming Into Form Right Now At A Major Catholic Church In Vienna?

St. Stephan’s Cathedral, known as Stefansplatz, is a major Catholic church at the center of Vienna. As one who visited there many years ago, the church building is formidable, and many people visit it, but sadly, from what I saw, it is perceived more as a museum than a sacred place of worship which it […]

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New Poll Declares That 42% Of Americans Under 40 Would Elect An Openly Socialist President

What is called “socialism” today has always existed throughout history, just in different forms. However, it and her other forms are all the same thing in their fundamental essence, which is the elevation of the society and community to a state of pre-eminence over all other moral teachings, where truth is placed into the material […]

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US Military Openly Admits They Want Cyborg Soldiers By 2050

I have warned constantly that it is not AI, robotics, or even bio-tech developments alone that will determine the future of war, but the combination of all three things into one deadly whole that will create a new face of warfare just as how it was mechanical improvement and process-industrial innovations that lead to the […]

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College Costs Explode By 112% Increase In Four Years

The increasing price of college tuition is not really a surprise. It has been going up for years, and a major issue is the rate of the increase as well as the simultaneous economic decline that has been taking place. According to a recent study, the price of college has exploded by a 112% percent […]

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Multiple Strains Of Drug-Resistant Bacteria Found On Raw Meat In Major Supermarkets

The return of disease a-la 19th century and prior style plagues threatens to return to the world again as the abuse of antibiotics in everyday life has caused once easily curable illnesses to become resistant to cures and re-emerge with a deadly vengeance. There are three areas in which this has been most prominent. The […]

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Angry Chinese Man Yelling Big Threats Sits Down And Cowers Without So Much As A Whimper When Reality Sets In

China and the US have been in a public, angry dispute about the state of trade affairs. President Xi Jinping and other official Chinese Communist Party news outlets and members have attacked the US, Trump, and US farmers. I have said that all of these statements are irrelevant and one should ignore them because the […]

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Christian Woman Wins Interesting Legal Case With Potentially Major Legal Impacts On The Power Of Islam In Egypt

Egypt has been under Muslim control since the Islamic invasion under Amr ibn Al-‘As in 639, and certainly since the fall of the ancient world, she has been a majority “Muslim” nation, albeit with a large Christian bloc that in current times accounts for approximate 10% of her population. As a result of Islamic influence, […]

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Greek Orthodox Patriarch Declares That Reunion With Rome Is “Inevitable”

Christ prayed that all of his disciples would be one, and because of this prayer, it was a horrible scandal that a large part of the Eastern Christian world broke from the Western one in 1054. Attempts were made to reconcile the two churches, and while some progress was positive, the nature of tools available, […]

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Disgusting Foundation Now Seeking HIV Infected Men For Sperm Donations

The existence of in-vitro fertilization is an abomination due to its inherent eugenics mindset implied within it. But this horrendous practice just became even more deviant as a foundation is now seeking HIV infected men to donate to their new sperm bank. New Zealand is now home to the world’s first HIV-positive sperm bank. Founded […]

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Sophia The Robot Demonstrates More Advances As Scientist Defends Her On Television

The following clip below was played in the UK. It was of an “interview” on This Morning with Sophia the robots and one of the scientists who works on her. Watch the full interview, and if you are able to, download it from YouTube (you can find a downloaded at many sites such as this […]

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Sodomite And His Girlfriend Arrested For Taking Turns Sodomizing Fifteen-Year-Old Male Dressed Up As A Goat In Bestiality Fetish

“Furries” are people who dress up as cartoon animals and then “roleplay” as that animal. As I have written before, the “furry” phenomenon was started during the 1980s by two sodomites, and ever since its inception, the movement has been dominated by sodomites who use the cover of cartoons and costumes to engage in a […]

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Political Violence Will Significantly Grow In The Next Decade

As the 2010s comes to a close, one can see the rise of nationalism, extremism, and the rebirth of a new eugenics movement taking place that models herself on the old one. These things are all warnings of the future. Another trend that has noted began during the 2016 Presidential election and is becoming […]

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Major American Christian Leaders Declare That Christians Who Disagree With The “Chosen One” Are “Demonic”

In November 2018, I wrote a piece about how the Trump movement has become a cult of personality. I noted this in the context of how people will defend certain malicious behaviors that Trump has exhibited and at times boasted about, but when others attempt to discuss said behaviors of Trump, there is an immediate […]

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Hindu Nationalists Advance “Anti-Conversion” Bill In Uttar Pradesh

India’s infamous nationalist BJP party has been using the trope of “forced conversions” in order to bolster support for her nationalist policies while also inciting hatred against Christians. This is part of a longer-term plan to eventually drive all Christians from India along with Muslims too and create a “pure Hindu ethnostate” called the Hindutva […]

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Trump Signs Bill Into Law Banning The Creation, Distribution And Sale of Certain Kinds Of Animal Torture Videos

“Crush” videos are a subset of films that involve usually semi-nude women in high heels stepping on live animals until they die and then rubbing the blood and organs on a surface with their feet. They can be found quite easily on the Internet. To his credit President Trump has passed a bill that bans […]

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