Author Archive | Andrew Bieszad

2007 Calls Again As Auto Market Shows Serious Weaknesses

In addition to the collapse of the housing market in 2007, another major event that took place was the destruction of the automobile industry, something that has also shown few signs of recovery in the last twelve years. Now it is being reported by Bloomberg via Yahoo! News that the automobile industry is happening to […]

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Another Reason Not To Go To College

College is considered to be a major transition point in the lives of the average American. Regardless of one’s opinions, most people go to college (since it is practically impossible to get many jobs without a degree), and given how expensive the cost is, it is one of the largest decisions one will ever make […]

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Instead Of Asking God Where He Is, Have You Considered Where You Were?

God has often been likened to a gentleman (which He is) in that God respects the individual choice of another person. If He is asked or told to leave somewhere, He leaves. However, since there can be no good without God, the immediate departure of Him creates a vacuum of power into which other forces […]

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Two Monks Die Amid Mass COVID-19 Outbreak At Ukrainian Orthodox Monastery In Kiev

The spread of COVID-19 continues it deadly traverse around the world, sparing none regardless of location. A recent outbreak of the illness took place at a major Ukrainian Orthodox monastery, where two monks have died and ninety-three people have been infected according to Yahoo! News by way of AFP. Two monks have died and more […]

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Large Wildfires Encroach On Chernobyl

In the 2013 scifi comedy film Sharknado, a giant waterspout hurling towards Los Angeles picks up a bunch of sharks from the ocean and creates a whirling column of water and chomping death over the city. It is ridiculous because it is such an extreme situation that it could never happen. However, an incident that […]

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The Millennials And Zoomers Have No Future

In August 2019, The Atlantic published an article entitled “Millennials Don’t Stand a Chance”, in which Annie Lowrey says that due to over a decade of economic evisceration caused by a falsely generated “bull market” based not on fundamentals but political manipulation has sapped Millennial earning capacities and forced them into poverty, and that while […]

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Billions Of Locusts Descend Upon Africa In Larger Swarm Of Biblical Proportions

East Africa saw herself afflicted by locust swarms of Biblical proportions. Now the same swarms are back, but even bigger than before, with locusts numbering in the billions as is reported by the Associated Press. Weeks before the coronavirus spread through much of the world, parts of Africa were already threatened by another kind of […]

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US Navy Says Morale Has Declined After Firing Commander For Talking About COVID-19 Spread

Business Insider reports in what is not a surprise that morale has declined among the US Navy after a Commander was fired for whistleblowing about the spread of COVID-19 on his ship. US Navy Vice Adm. Bill Merz, the commander of the United States’ largest forward­-deployed fleet, visited the aircraft carrier reeling from a coronavirus […]

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“Rich-Dad, Poor-Dad” Author Says To Get Precious Metals And Other Solid Commodities

The US dollar is going to significantly decline in value, perhaps to the point of becoming worthless. This is something that I have warned about for a long time, and is something that I would rather not have happen, but is going to pass because of fundamentals that have been in motion for a long […]

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Russo-Chinese Border Remains Closed

Russia hates China and always has. This is a long-standing point of relations between Russia and China that many in the Western world do not understand, is something that I have covered at for a while, and can be explained simply in that Russia’s power as an empire comes from her ability to control […]

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China Prepares To Crash As She Dumps Trillions Of Yuan In Credit To Her Markets To Try And Restart Production

According to Bloomberg, the full budget for the Federal government in $4.6 trillion and China’s is about $3.4 trillion. Many people, including myself, have criticized Trump’s Coronavirus bill that is about $2 trillion and has a strong change of doing severe, long-term economic damage. However, China is no better for according to Zero Hedge, the […]

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President Trump Calls The Wall Street Journal “Fake News”

The Wall Street Journal is one of the most respected financial newspapers in the world. While one may not always agree with the publication, the journal is a reliable source of information on many critical topics to economics and the world. It is not “fake news”, but some of the most real news that a […]

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First It Was Ventilators, Now It Is The Drugs To Run The Ventilators

The COVID-19 crisis has caused a number of holes to be exposed in the supply chain for medical care as people are flooding hospitals and society is temporarily forced to close. One of these has been the shortage of ventilators, which have caused social as well as political panic and reactionary behavior. However, another crisis […]

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Syrian Christian Doctor Declares That US And EU Sanctions Are Putting Syria At Risk For COVID-19 Spread

Syria has been a major source of refugees to Europe, fleeing the violence created by American and European geopolitical meddling and planning, but less has been said about the spread of COVID-19 in her borders. According to one Christian doctor speaking to Asia News, the American and EU sanctions are gravely worsening the on-the-ground situation […]

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Will COVID-19 Turn Yemen Into A Worse Disaster Zone Than What It Already Is?

The Arabian Peninsular nation of Yemen is already a humanitarian nightmare. The ancient nation, whose history dates back to the earliest Afro-semitic civilizations in the world and remained a major force in power until the rise of Islam, has been going through a genocide waged against her by Saudi Arabia and backed by the US […]

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