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[tagline_box link=”” linktarget=”” button=”Save a Life” title=”Rescuing Christians in Pakistan” description=”The focus of our work is to save the lives of Christians in Pakistan. We supply food, medicine, safe houses, legal help for visa applications, and in extreme circumstances, security details for rescue missions.”][/tagline_box] [title size=”3″]Latest News[/title] [recent_posts columns=”4″ number_posts=”4″ cat_id=”” thumbnail=”yes” title=”yes” meta=”yes” excerpt=”yes” excerpt_words=”15″][/recent_posts] [title size=”3″]Important Articles[/title] [content_boxes] [content_box title=”President Barack Obama” image=”” icon=”” link=”” linktext=”Learn More”]Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire[/content_box] [content_box title=”Anti-Muhammad Film” image=”” icon=”” link=”” linktext=”Learn More”]Innocence of Muslims Film – What You Did Not Know About the Creator[/content_box] [content_box title=”Hillary’s Huma Abedin”  image=”” icon=”” link=”” linktext=”Learn More”]Huma Abedin – Hilary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Exposed[/content_box] [content_box last=”yes” title=”Ground Zero Mosque” image=”” icon=”” link=”” linktext=”Learn More”]Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and His Mosque Exposed[/content_box] [/content_boxes]